June 20-23, 2002

On June 20-23, 2002 a reunion of USS Brooke DEG-1 Plankowners at the Seven Seas Lodge in San Diego, CA. The four days that we spent together were very memorable as friendships were rekindled, new friends made, and most importantly, many, many sea stories retold and verified. Verification is where one guy lies and two guys swear to it! Those Plankowners and their family and friends in attendance were:

        Tom and Harriet Adametz

        Steve and Linda Hunt

        Edward (Buddy) and Julie Harris

        Dick and Lauri Blackington

        Billy and Kay Morrow

        Tony and Robin Precie

        Bob and Betty Wasielewski

        Joel Beck and son Buck

        Jess Pennington and daughter Annette

        Matt and Eileen Moran

        Mrs. Rita Giblen (widow of Ed Giblen)


    Upon reflection it is hard to imagine almost four decades have passed since we first stepped foot on her deck. But the chance to see each other again and share that camaraderie that only men who have lived on these warships can understand was indeed a special moment in time. I found one picture that, when combined with an earlier shot, summed up the experience:

The Boys1.jpg (52766 bytes)

"On to Seattle"