Messages left for and by crewmembers of the USS Brooke DEG/FFG-1
Message From Steve Eldred 10/19/13
Message From Scott Holmes 4/14/13
Message From Jim Lund 4/11/10
I served on the USS Brooke from 1984-1987 … I was a SN in deck division but GQ’ed with the gunners mates most of the time. Looking for Strone and Ennis if anyone ever hears from them also – Scott Ostrander..
Jim Lund
Message From Richard Deblanc 5/5/09
Message From Brian McQuillan 12/12/08
Chief Mac
Message From Rick Holmes 2/15/08
My name is Rick (Richard) E. Holmes. I joined the Brooke as a seaman, E-3 non-rated, in 1966. I served as an RD until my departure in Oct. 1968. I came from Olympia, Washington where I was born and raised. I returned to Olympia upon discharge and still live there at 6320 33rd Ave. N.W. , Olympia, Washington, 98502. My phone # is 360-866-0942, and my email is In 1970, I moved to Denver, Colorado, lived there for 3 years, during this time, I hooked up with old shipmate Buck Bowman, who served with me as a BM-3. I have talked with P.J. (Paul) Miller, fellow RD a number of times over the years, from Rochester, N.Y., but have never gotten to see him since leaving the Brooke. I’d love to hear from any of my old shipmates anytime and will check back to see if any new ones sign up. I love what you’ve done with the web-site, it’s very nice, and great to look over. Until yesterday, I had no idea it existed.
Thanks again,
Rick Holmes
Radarman, E-3
Message From Amy Hodson 1/8/07:
I am looking for anyone who might have served with my Dad, CWO Hodson, who was the Electronics Maint. Officer on Brooke around the 1980-1984 time frame. In addition there was another gentleman, Lt (jg) Chris Thompson who served on Brooke with my dad during the same timeframe. If anyone has any information on how I might contact Chris or who knew my Dad, please contact me at: . Thank you very much.
Amy Hodson
The following link will show a picture of my Dad: CWO Hodson:
Message From Dave Pierpoint 11/24/04:
Message From Richard Houghtelling 8/23/04:
Richard, an FTM1 from 75-78, has an extra 75-76 cruise book if anyone is looking for a replacement or needs information from that particular timeframe. Richard can be contacted via his e-mail listed on the Locator Page
Message From Brian McQuillan 8/20/04:
Brian was an FC1 from 81-85. Brian is looking for an extra copy of the '85 cruise book. If anyone has an extra copy or can help Brian out please contact him at his e-mail listed on the Locator Page
Message From Larry Foster 11/3/03:
Larry was a STG3 on Brooke from 68-71 and he is trying to find out information on several former Sonar Techs he served with. Anyone having information on Dave Clark, Bob Richards, or Dennis Gold please contact Larry at his e-mail listed on the Locator Page
Message From Jim "Tazz" Hines 6/13/03:
Jim was a BT3 on Brooke from 82-84 who worked for BTCS Barnett. Jim is looking for info on two shipmates; BT3 Mike Wheeler and IC3 Dominic Bruno. If anyone know anything regarding these two shipmates you can contact Jim at his e-mail address listed on the Locator Page
Message From Eric Davis 6/2/03:
Eric was the decommissioning gunnery officer on Brooke in 1988. Eric is collecting ship's patches from the commands her served aboard. If anyone has a "USS BROOKE FFG-1" (notice I did not say "DEG-1) patch, Eric would really like to hear from you. Probably can trade those monkey wood salad bowls you picked up in Subic. Eric can be contacted via his e-mail listed on the Locator Page
Message From Bob Veach 4/14/03:
Bob was a BM3 on Brooke 68-70. He is trying to contact or receive information on the whereabouts of two of his old shipmates on Brooke, Dale Dawson or Rick Pearson. Bob can be contacted via his e-mail listed on the Locator Page
Message From Ken Magid 3/1/03:
Ken was the Ops Boss on Brooke 83-84. He is trying to contact or receive information on the whereabouts of his old CO on Brooke, Capt. Barry Plott. Ken can be contacted via his e-mail listed on the Locator Page)
Message From Thom Ahl 2/27/03:
Thom was stationed aboard Brooke from 71-74 as an ETR3. I received an e-mail from him with the following question:
"A question for you. In the Radar Transmitter room, in the overhead, a junction box has a cover plate with the inscription: "USS Broke, DOG-1" inscribed on it. Even the captain didn't know the story behind it. What is the straight 'skinny' on it?"
If anyone knows the story behind the inscription, feel free to contact Thom (he is listed on the Locator Page)
Message From Tom Adametz 2/4/03:
Shipmates.....One of our fellow crewmembers, John Limbaugh (STG2 65-68) is recovering from a heart attack. Feel free to drop him a line at: I'm sure it will pick up his spirits and speed his recovery hearing from members of the "Brooke Gang". Besides, it's cold up in the northern reaches of Idaho!
Message From Dave Pierpoint 1/2/03:
Message From Roy Cook 12/24/02:
Message From Bill Bartle 11/1/02: